Nutrition through Senior Home Care Assistance: Ensuring a Healthy Diet

February 15, 2024
Home Care
Home Care Assistance

When you hire someone for home care assistance, you have several needs in mind. One that’s essential is maintaining good nutrition daily. Indeed, supplements help, but eating healthy food serves the whole body in various ways, supporting the individual’s quality of health. Overall, the individual’s quality of life matters, and that includes eating patterns.

Caregivers, like those we offer at True Care, know their clients’ abilities, overall health conditions, if they exercise, and general lifestyle. A nutritional plan begins with this information. Mind you; some people balk at certain foods, so clever people involved in senior home care have to try various approaches.

When you hire someone for home care assistance, you have several needs in mind.

Get them Involved

Many seniors are homebound. So, when practicable, an aide will take them along for a shopping trip. This helps clients understand more about what’s healthy to eat. Shopping also provides socialization and a greater sense of control, which is essential for maintaining a positive attitude.

Two other benefits of providing nutrition through senior home care assistance (ensuring a healthy diet) are ones you might not think of immediately. First, the aide can reach items that would otherwise be unsafe for the individual. Then, there are pesky, hefty bags that are hard on the back and painful with arthritis. 

Nutrition through Senior Home Care Assistance: Ensuring a Healthy Diet

TruCare believes in caring for the whole person, including what they like to eat! Did you know that approximately 35 percent of adults over the age of 65 have signs of malnutrition? In turn, vital mineral and vitamin deficiencies occur. Some results from malnutrition include

  • Memory loss or confusion
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Weak muscles
  • Slow healing
  • Weight loss

Our team manages nutritional plans and adjusts them as necessary.

Get them Into the Kitchen

Even if a person can’t cook, they can offer suggestions and chat for a while. During the conversation, the senior caregiver carefully monitors salt and sugar. It’s not unusual for an elder to have some type of special diet. The caregiver can keep a person involved by remembering personal preferences and adjusting the food to the nutrition plan.

The difference a home-cooked meal makes is substantial. Making fresh foods is one of our services. People consistently give TruCre high ratings for this aspect of senior home care as well as many other of our senior care solutions.

What do Senior Home Care Healthy Diet Plans Look Like?

Most people have no idea what the USDA (Department of Health and Human Services) recommends for a solid daily diet for senior home care. The food plan Includes

  • 3 c dairy (low fat/fat-free)
  • 1½-2½ c. of fruits
  • 5-8 tsp. Healthy fats
  • 5-7 oz protein
  • 2-3½ c.vegetables 
  • 5-10 c. whole grains 

Nutrition through Senior Home Care Assistance: Ensuring a Healthy Diet

Hiring a Professional Caregiver

Creating healthy meals every day can be challenging, especially if you have a picky eater. When you hire a caregiver through TruCare, you can be assured of a care plan that meets dietary needs. 

We are located in Norristown, PA (1-610-878-2273) and Philadelphia, PA (833-878-2273). FAX: 610-500-5095, and our online contact form.


Learn more about TruCare Home Care and how we make a positive impact on our community and the well-being of seniors. Are you ready to discuss your loved one's needs?

Contact us to schedule a consultation. You can email us at or call us at 833-878-2273.


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I am well taken care of, safe, and know that my needs come first. I love my caregivers and feel safe with them.

Nyo B.

Nyo B.


I think they are a good company because they handle their employees well. They send out caregivers that do their jobs.

Carleta U.

Carleta U.


They are a good company and they have good benefits.They have the proper training for caregivers and our clients.They are responsible and help me take care of my clients.

Yuderkis P.

Yuderkis P.


The provider has helped us the most by being flexible and being understanding of my fathers circumstances. I am able to be my father’s caregiver.

Evangelista R.

Evangelista R.


They give good services and are dependable. I feel very comfortable at work.

Daysi F.

Daysi F.